Tuesday, 6 August 2013

A great building day!!!

Today was a day of hard work. "Boss" Steve (well that's what it said on his hat!) set a challenge for the day. We made it!!!
The first picture shows the classroom almost ready for it's roof. The second photograph is of our secondary project, the kitchen and stores. We'll sleep we'll tonight!!


  1. Great to see you all having a good time and enjoying yourselves. Nice to see you Matthew, how are you keep your clothes so clean! Do you do extensions ? Lol. You are making amazing progress and should be proud of what you are achieving. Enjoy the rest of your stay. From your brother Jacob, love Dad and Mam.

  2. Glad to see you smiling in a photo Max. you're not one to be photographed normally!!! The build is looking magnificent. We are keen bloggers keeping up to date from all over France. Its what we look forward to every evening(that and the wine, cheese, beer etc) Look after Rory and keep focused. Love Mam & Dad

  3. We too are following the blog from France and also look forward to catching up with the latest news each evening whilst sampling the wine beer cheese etc!! The build looks amazing. we are really proud of you all! Keep up the good work. A special hello to Jack and Aidan- great to see you both looking so well and happy in the most recent pics. Love from Mum, Dad & Max.

  4. Wow the building is coming on so well it looks amazing and you all look great too. Glad to hear that you are all enjoying your rest days and seeing the wildlife take care

  5. There seems to be a lot of people taking advantage of four weeks without you all to sample French cuisine et boissons (As are we). We miss you all the same. Progress on the building work is remarkable, well done. Nothing less than would be expected of professional builders!

    Hope you are handling the heat OK Sarah. We've noticed you've taken to long sleeves. Missing you, love Mam, Dad, Euan and Grace.

  6. Amazing progress, everyone - well done! The blog and pics continue to be enjoyed and shared with friends and family through the Facebook link - keep them coming, please folks. Waving back at you, Andy. Your rest day adventures sound fabulous. The Ah Africa.... reference made Dad put his hands on his hips, sniff the air deeply and smile:) - he says you'll understand that! Everyone says to say hi and they are so proud of you. Good to see you smiling and so obviously enjoying yourself. Hugs from us both Mum & Dad.

  7. Reading the comments I wonder if there is anyone back on Teesside. We are also in France and we can confirm the wine, cheese and beer is very good, as for the building it looks amazing . I cannot believe the progress you have made. It's good to read the blog to sample part of your experiences as they happen. Pic
    The pictures are great. Glad to see that you seem to be enjoying it Michael. We can spot you from your tee shirts. Can't wait to see you and hear all about it. Love mam and dad xx

  8. Strangely enough we are now in Teesside having just arrived back from France along with everyone else and yes the wine, beer and cheese is good. Hopefully you are enjoying a bit of variety with the food. The prices for beer at Crayfish Camp are about 20p so don't spend all your money at once!!
